4 metabolic health myths busted…

4 metabolic health myths busted…

This post is to address a few common questions that I get on a daily basis which could also be inhibiting your health goals?

Myth: It’s better for my metabolism to eat lots of small meals through the day

This idea was popular for decades. If this was actually true, it would imply that eating less often would cause our metabolic rate to slow down and to gain weight.Research shows that Time restricted eating (TRE) can reduce fat mass . Some studies suggest that frequent eating can cause the glucose to stay high and unstable through the day causing the body to be a sugar burner (retaining extra fat). A body adapted to efficiently burn fat on the other hand taps into more dependable and more healthier source of energy. In short IF and maintaining steady glucose levels work over the long term to help body adapt to efficiently burn stored fat.


Myth : Glucose spikes through the day are a normal part of my body processing sugar and nothing to worry about.

Food, exercise, sleep, mood can all lead to a small rise and fall on blood sugar levels. However, extreme glucose variability would be definitely a matter of concern. Dr Bret Scher ( a cardiologist and lipidologist in Sandiego) says – having an average blood glucose levels of 120mg/dL a day but with variability that swings between 180mg/dL can have similar toxic effects on metabolic health as having a persistently elevated blood sugar level of 150mg/dL a level consistent with type 2 Diabetes .This type of variation is not a normal part of life.

Myth : Sugar gives me a quick energy boost.

I call it the sugar crash:). As insulin rises and lowers the blood sugar level often below a healthy baseline – you might feel shaky, foggy or even hungrier than you were before sugar binge. A stable sugar level post meals depends on what have you consumed for the meal.  A banana over a donut  or pasta over a protein rich meal. Sugar ingestion ( quality of food matters) can actually keep you super tired and fatigued post consumption. A protein + fat + fibre rich meal will do exactly the opposite by keeping the sugar levels stable and keeping you fuller for longer.

Myth : Thin people don’t need to worry about glucose or metabolic health

I truly believe that the weight on the scale is not the ultimate judge . It is the body composition. People who might have a healthy weight can have a high percentage of fat and low lean mass. Although obesity is associated with insulin resistance , even people with “healthy” body weight can have a poor metabolic health. A 2020 review , found those who are metabolically unhealthy but have a normal body weight often possess excess visceral body fat. “lean diabetes” is the term coined to refer to such a condition. Other factors that contribute to this is poor sleep, alcohol, smoking etc.


I trust this has helped you answer some questions and given you a deeper understanding of the relationship between food, health and other lifestyle factors.

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Stay healthy,


External references:



A new framework for understanding obesity

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